Page 47 - Carrollton 1998
P. 47
El Jardin sets the stage for life at the look forward to every class, theyre all such
Intermediate School in Carrollton. Here, the fun." In their religion class, the girls have
girls of the fourth, fifth, and sixth grade become experts on the seven sacraments.
classes have an opportunity to scholasti Also, they have participated in various ser
cally broaden their horizons in an atmos vice activities where they make sandwich
phere that is blessed with the beauty of es for the poor. A second area of expertise
nature. The academic life of the Intermedi for these girls in World history, where they
ate School is filled with creative learning, have learned about World War I, World
exciting activities, and challenging classes War E, and the Cold War. The major pro
that help expand the students' knowledge. ject in the fifth grade was The Fifth Grade
Each grade is different than the other, Opera. They all agree this was an educa
which gives this school the uniqueness that tional experience, where they learned the
makes it so special. meaning of "teamwork." Fifth grade was a
Exciting you ask? The fourth graders at challenging year, but the girls made it
Carrollton will unanimously vote yes to this through with a smile.
question. Their subjects, ranging from sci "Sixth grade is a lot of work," says sixth Top left: Fourth grader studies vigorously for hen
ence and math to religion and history, grader Katrina Ciraldo. This year, thanks next test. Top Right: Sixth grader, Lindsey Cham-j
teach them new and exhilarating things to their English class, the girls have mas pion, anxiously awaits her turn. Above: A group
everyday. In no time at all, these girls will tered the art of grammar. They have also of fourth graders prepare for a presentation dur-j
be world- renowned journalists thanks to conducted many science experiments ing assembly. Below: When the bell rings, thesa
grammar and word usage lessons in their which have broadened their horizons in fifth graders are ready to go to their next class.
English classes. As far as American history the area of science. Their adventure to the
is concerned, you will not find fourth Everglades gave them the chance to
graders anywhere who know more about experience first hand what they had been
the different regions of the United States studying; not to mention an opportunity to
than our girls. In the field of science, they grow more independent. The teachers
have gone from discovering the world of have spent the year preparing the girls for
light and sound to exploring the vast their career at the Junior High, and there is
ocean. Do you know the Stations of the no question that they are ready to move
Cross? If you don't, you have come to the on.
right place, because our fourth graders do. You have just traveled through the
There is no doubt that these girls are ready fourth, fifth and sixth grades at Carrollton,
to move on to the fifth grade. and experienced what it means to be a
Speaking of fifth grade, Dorothy Tumer- part of the Intermediate School. Everyday
Atkins said "Fifth grade is my favorite year. is a little bit different, but never less excit
The reason I like it so much is because I ing.