Page 100 - Carrollton 2004
P. 100

Ffipeat after me.  Fabraln  V ela,  Mariana  Vanin,   Today's tke cteyl Tke gbls Walt quietly, anticipatr
      and Isabella Laut-ia swear in by raising Skeir rigkt   imj   turn to be welcomed' in to tke National
      kands and repeating tke konor pledge.   Junior Honor Society,
                                                                    Victoria Lorido starts off tke cexr
                                                                    enxony by Ugkting  tke candles.
       NJHS Induction

          Membership in the NJHS is both an honor and a
      responsibility.  Membership is open to 7th and 8th graders who
      have attended Carrollton for the equivalent of one semester
      and who have a cumulative scholastic average of 90 percent.
      Students who meet the scholastic requirements are then evaluated
      by the faculty on the basis of leadership, service,  character,
      and citizenship.  Once selected, members  must maintain these
      standards. The purpose of the NJHS is to create enthusiasm for
      scholarships,  to stimulate a desire to render service,  promote
      leadership, develop character,  and encourage citizenship. Some of
      the activities that the members participate in are bake sales, toy        Hold Stilll After tke Induction, new members
      drives, and preparing  Easter baskets for the needy.                      Posed  “3 8  i l l "  Nalu>naI Juniov
                 1   ■    vf           _             ,  *                       Honor oociety  members.

      Fabiola Velez, Mariana Vanin, Isabella Lauda, Patricia Garate-
      Baez, Paula Diniz, Gitkerine Mas (front), D orotkyA nne
                                              Tanya Bcillenxbourg stands
      ^ector, Sofia Del Rwero, Alexandra de Olazarra, Carolina de
                                              gleefully after being  welconxed   Katkerine Mas continues tke
       rmas, Audrey Cken, and Rose Hayes (back) inducted into        ceremony by reading a  few
                                              into  tke National Junior Honor
       le NJHS wait quietly for more of tkeir classmates to join     words to tke girls.

                                                                                           Hear ye, Hear yel Mrs. Diaz,
                                                                                           National Junior Honor Soci-
                                                                                           ety addsor, gioing  tke  opening
                                                                                           speeck  for tke ceremony.

                                                                           7tk Grade Retreat/ NJHS  Induction
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