Page 99 - Carrollton 2004
P. 99
Pass it on! Carolina Gococdo and
CoacK Aparlclo play a game to
Paint Brush Kelp tke qiels better understand tke sfifiS . , .i . i . r. §1 ( n ,, . ^
W hat ao you. tlunlcf Ueoup Leader yvlessandea
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effects: or gossiipv.
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D om inguez an d Ker 7tk grade group, I any a beillem- Saliska 5aati gets Ker group
boueg, Emiliana Rubio, Isldoca Sepuloeda Caroline symbol page ready to
I k c 6 p i p y p a i n t b t u s l l w r i t l l m e Naya* NalnlLci Usecke, Patricia Foes, Andrea Ucar, to tke rest of tke class by
Adriana Diez, and Carolina Valdes“Lora, discuss adding some color.
Wherever I may go, prepared topics about frlendskip and gossip.
la case I need to cover up
So the real me doesn't show.
I'm so afraid to show you me. 7th Grade Retreat
Afraid of what you'll do - that
You might laugh or say meaa things.
On January 23rd of 2004 the 7th graders took
I'm afraid I might lose you. a day off of school to spend time together and focus on
developing a sense of belonging. It was a day filled with
I'd like to remove all my paiat coats reflection, journal writing, listening to stories from the
To show you the real, true me.
sophomore retreat leaders, and talks about gossip and
But I want you to try and understand, the meaning of true friendship. "Paint Brush", by Bettie
I need you to accept what you see.
B. Youngs, is just a small taste of what the girls reflect
So if you'll be patient and close your
ed upon to help further their understanding of becoming
eyes. who they want to be.
I'll strip off all my coats real slow.
Please understand how much it hurts
To let the real me show.
Now my coats are all stripped off.
I feel naked, bare and cold.
And if you still love me with all that
you see.
Ready, OJCi T anya
You are my friend, pure as gold. Brlllembourg, EmiUana
Rubio, Isldoca
Sepuloeda, Caroline
I need to save my paint brush, though. Naya, Natalia Usecke,
And hold it in my hand, Patricia Foes, Andrea
Ucar, Adriana Dlez,
I want to keep it handy Carolina Vaides“Lora
In case somebody doesn't understand. prepare a ckeee to
represent tkelr group.
So please protect me, my dear friend
And thanks for loving me true. TadaJll Lauren Correa,
Cristina Fernandez,
But please let me keep my paint brush Nastasja Eckee, Rita
with me Harble, Julianne
Bagley, Jennifer Villa,
Until I love me too. Dominique Villegas
present tkelr group
ckeee to tke rest of tke
Bettie B. Youngs grade wltk notklng but
smiles and energy.
>8 . A Perfect Fit
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