Page 124 - Carrollton 1992
P. 124
Conge ’92
Jan. 29, 1992 started with a Mass celebrat
ed by Archbishop McCarthy to dedicate the
new campus and Carrollton’s 30th anniver
After the Mass, the senior class sponsored
Conge ’92 with the theme of “Best Loved
Stories”. Characters such as the Godfather,
Captain Hook and Alice in W onderland
appeared in the opening skit to introduce
the event. Girls from M ontessori to the
twelfth grade dressed up as Dalmatians,
Pippi Longstocking, and even as princesses
from “1001 Arabian Nights”. The whole day
was fun-packed with activities such as the tra
ditional Song Game, Freeze Dance and the
writing of the “Carrollton Story” which was
read at the end of the day. Though the day
was rather short, Conge ’92 was an unforget
table and delightful experience for both the
Carrollton students and faculty.