Page 128 - Carrollton 1992
P. 128

Carrollton’s  newly-acquired
                                                     property was  the  site  for  the
                                                     first  time  of the  traditional
                                                     Christmas Formal.
                                                         On  D ec.  20,  1991,  High
                                                     School  girls  and  their  dates

                                                     enjoyed  a  night  of dancing  to
                                                     the music of a rhythmic D.J.
                                                        “A Midas  Touch”  was  this
                                                     year’s  them e,  based  on  the
                                                     story of the  kind whose  touch

                                                     turned everything to gold. The
                                                     dance  was  truly  a wonderful
                                                     occasion  to  create  memories
                                                     and happy moments.
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