Page 126 - Carrollton 1992
P. 126
at Carrollton
On Dec. 20th., Carrollton students prepared to
celebrate the Christmas Season.
Each school enjoyed activities geared to express
the joy felt am ong the Carrollton community.
The Lower school held its Christmas party while
the Montessori staged a Nativity play.
The Middle School had a Christmas party which
included gift sharing through Secret Santas. The
8th graders collected presents for the Migrant work
In the High School, many activities took place. A
Christmas play titled “Christmas Attitudes” was pre
sented by the Perform ance Com m ittee. Each class
was also involved in presenting different Christmas
viewpoints and as well as a tribute to the teachers.
Two musical presentations took place: the “Carroll
ton Carolers” and the “Pentasonic Brass Q uartet”.
Christm as activities were finalized with a brunch
provided by Le Gourm et, Athletic, Social and Pep
and Spirit Committees.