Page 216 - Carrollton 2015
P. 216
High School choir and ensemble members performed at the Feast of the Epiphany and Kairos commencement Mass at St. Hugh. Les Choristes members are: (Seniors)
Camila Carballo, Sofia Carratala, Mia Cefalo, Cristine Estime, Daniela Pachon, Emma Poliak, Emelita Pupo; (Juniors) Cachay Byrd, Daniella Mora, Emilie Martinez,
Gabriela Galbis, Jasmine Harris Smith, Megan Poliak, Natalie Salman, Serena Hill, Victoria Lopez/Trujillo; (Sophomores) Anna Victoria Summerlin, Francesca Lopez,
Fiona McCann, Gabriela Lee, Katherine Duerr, Kaela Makins, Lidia Cardelle, Meagan Carpintero, Sophia Bazo, Samantha Fajardo; (Freshman) Alexandra Neary, Bianca
Sproul, Carolina Rodriguez, Carolina Chi, Gabriela Perez, Isabella Valle-Riestra, Madeleine Salman, Nikkyah Reese, Valeria Lopez-Trujillo. High School instrumental
ensemble members are: Alexandra Gomez, Zoe Gonzalez-Llorens, Cecilia Amaro, Amanda Lopez-Cardet, Valeria Lopez-Trujillo, Elena Zapata, Lauren Weber, Isabella
Valle-Riestra, Angelica Gonzalez, and Zoe Perito.
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