Page 218 - Carrollton 2015
P. 218

Today we celebrate Ash Wednesday
                                                                                 and the start o f Lent. In the context o f
                                                                                 the Liturgy, each receives ashes in the
                                                                                 form o f a cross on their forehead. The
                                                                                 marking o f our foreheads reminds us that
                                                                                 we are God's; we are Christ's. As God's
                                                                                 Beloved, we are invited to live our lives as
                                                                                 adventures in grace with hearts fully open
                                                                                 to the Spirit dwelling within,

                                                                                 Suzanne C ooke, R S C J

     The Cafrollton Liturgical Choir facilitates prayer ourr.g school liturgies.  Members are; (Sixth Grade) Lara
     Nicole Akein; Sabina: Consuecra; Charlotte Leigh:; Ana Victoria Llaneza; G'ace l.owef; Angie Luaces; Jimor.a
     Menendez; Sofia Melgarejo:; Kayla Novas; Celeste O.iva; Gabrie a Paredes; Anya:Pate; Natalia Ruan; Lucia
      Robledo; Natalia Solaria; Sophia Talamas; r-.:i/abeth Wooster; (Junior i iigh) Alexandra Von Der Gotz, Aiessancra
      Diamond;, Isabella Sanchez, Iva Harris, Mariana Carta, Carolina Hassun, Lucia Pineiro, Mila McClure; (High School):
     Katie Deere Sofia DomingueziTafi Rernetti, Dani Poulat, Sofia Carratala, Camila Conesa, and Alexa Brunet
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