Page 220 - Carrollton 2015
P. 220
"Being Sent Forth"
A t your Confirmation y o u w ere "sent forth " by the bishop to carry out Christ's mission, (Read A cts 13) H o w do you envision
yourself doing this? - Susan Gotten
In the moment after the Bishop anointed me with, the oil and I was walking toward my seat I envisioned the hand o f the Holy Spirit
patting me on the back, a gesutre saying that I was ready for this moment and that I have been doing well as a Roman Catholic.
As f was exiting the Church, I envisioned the hands o f G od, Jesus and the Holy Spirit giving me a slight nudge into the world as a
full member o f the Roman Catholic Church ready to carry out Christ's; mission. Everyday I will carry out Christ's mission by looking,
at people: through: the eyes o f G od. by not judging them, to always be honest, to go to Mass every Sunday, to take care o f God's;
earth, and to try to be a postive and happy person.
- Amelia Meiser '2 0
Being sent 'forth by the Bishop to carry out Christ's mission may seem like a daunting task, but I think that by retrieving Confirmation,
you are exposed to a deeper connection within the Church, as well as with Christ; and through His grace and guidance, we may be
able to carry on his mission. Carrying on His mission can be as simple as spreading the good news to those around you, and trusting
in G od that all will be well.
- Carolina Snriver' 19
When you receive the Sacrament o f Confirmation you receive the gift o f Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit guides you in carrying out
Christ's mission. This, can be done by attending Mass, following the Ten Commandments, or even by just helping Others.
- Daniella French ' 19
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