Page 139 - Carrollton 1993
P. 139

d e c is io n

            On November 3,1992, Governor Clinton   Bush/Quayle and Clinton/Gore.  Each
            was chosen to head the country for the   group acted like a campaign represerv
            next four years.                    tative for each  candidate.  Perot wqs
                                                not represented because he reentered
            The public was faced With the decision   the race too late. What the class did do
            of choosing between  trust or change.   was to present how Perot was affecting
            The race was among three candidates:   both Bush and Clinton. The group repre­
            President Bush, Governor Clinton and   senting the Bush/Quayle ticket touched
            Mr. Perot, who received an outstanding   on the trust issue, foreign affairs, educa-.
            number of votes for an independent   tlon and the economy. The Clinton tick­
            candidate.                          et spoke about education, the econo­
                                                my and health care. The presentation
            It was a unique election in all aspects.   ended with a mock election, where stu­
            First, there were three candidates. Presi­  dents got the chance to experience
            dent Bush was asking  the country for   democracy In action. It was a success,
            four  more  years.  His campaign  was   bringing facts and entertainment to the
            based on  his foreign affair experience   school.
            and trust. Governor Clinton’s campaign
            offered the people of the U.S. an oppor­  Bush won  the mock election with over
            tunity  for  change                                   60%  of student’s
            from the twelve years                                 votes. The faculty,
            of  Republicans  In                                   on   the   other
            power.  Finally,  Mr.                                 hand,  cast their
            economy  Into  the  "It was a unique                  which might bring
            Perot  brought  the                                   votes for Clinton,
            forefront of the elec­                                truth to the theory
            tion;  he  gave  the  election  in  all               that teachers  do
            people a chance to                                    mostly     vote
            vote  for a  business   aspects."                     Democrat, which
            man, and not a politi­                                Is an  assumption    Above, Becky Leon talks to ;
            cian.                                                 made  by voting      High .School about President Bui
                                                                  behavior  studies.
            It was  a  campaign                                   Also  the  faculty
            that  used  different |                               results resembled
            methods in order to bring information to-  the popular vote in the election.
            voters,  and victory  to candidates.
            Young voters saw Clinton and Gore on   If the results were to be analyzed by
           .  MTV's special, 'CHOOSE OR LOSE." CHn-   voter behavior studies. It can be con­
            ton also appeared on the Arsenio Hall   cluded that party affiliation are usually
            Show, where he ployed the saxophone.   .gassed down by genealogy. Therefore^.
            Perot made it possible for voters to know   most  students voted  far Republicans
           v ttye mpn and his campaign through thlr\  due to the fact that most of tne parents
           . ty minute segments he paid for. Also; tot  •In Carrollton  are  Cuban-Am^ricons,
            the first time ever, voters were able to.  who mostly vote Republican.  .
            ask questions to thdoanrSdqtes directly.
            through a series of televised debates,  But one must hot forget about the other
                                                elections going on,  Mphy seats ip the.
            The election itself was one of the closest   House of Representatives and the Sen-;
           1 mqny hove eYer seeh-;P0rhdp9 that   ate ha&to be. filled. The humbefot Nte-'

          : Sexplains the remarkable voter partlclpq- i  , panics. Attcqn-Amerlcans, Asians qncj
            tiohond Carrollton's lnvoNementffi the   women (b office Increased, after the
          Selection,  as jysell. Some students were1 election.' Such  a  idcge- number, of.

            Obie. td see Mrs,  Sarboro Sush at. the'  women'wonppslHonsJn office thpt Jf 5
                        where stte.etnphasized   proved to be  the year ofth®.woman.*
            Clinton,■$ Weaknesses versus^    1
                                                According to alto* t

                          ih School on
            | j   The  class  was  separated-Into  .Madid Gonzalezand MareH'
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