Page 137 - Carrollton 1993
P. 137
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In keeping with the Sacred Heart goal of
Personal Growth and Faith. Carrollton stu
dents participate in Retreats. The students
get to know and accept each other as
unique and special individuals.
On Thursday October 22. Ms. Valdez. Sister
De Stefanis. and Mrs. Maniacci prepared
for the Freshman Retreat which took
place at Riviera Presbyterian Church. The
Freshmen began their day-long retreat by
separating into pairs, interviewing, and
introducing each other to the rest of the
group. They were then visited by three
seniors: Alina Zanetti. Gredel Opitz. and
Michelle Perez. The Seniors spoke to the
Freshmen about adjusting to the new High
School environment both socially and
academically and then shared some of
their experiences and good advice. In the
afternoon a speaker. Marcie. was invited
to join the Freshmen and talk about alco
hol and drugs and how these had affect
ed her life. The day ended with each stu
dent setting both personal and class goals
for the rest of the year. One participant.
Louise Vazquez, said. ’We got to know
each other better and shared in a grow
ing experience.*
The Sophomores took part in an overnight
retreat at Carrollton's New Campus from
Friday November sixth to Saturday the
seventh 1992. The activities began with a
’ Trust Walk’ in Which the Sophomores
were paired off and one led the other on
this walk. The one following directions was
blindfolded and had to trust the other to
keep her from falling or getting lost. Two
Juniors. Anais Martinez and Yvette Garcia-
Alien. were invited to speak to them
about growth and change as a part of
life. The second day of retreat was spent
in reflection and group discussion about
sexuality and self-esteem.
In the Spring of 1993. the Juniors enjoyed
their own three-day retreat. They joined in
activities to build self-esteem and accep
tance toward others within the class. ’The
Unity in the class was brought out this
weekend — I only wish we could have
had the retreat sooner." commented
Alejandro Mayorga.
In December 4.5.6. 1992. the Seniors expe
rienced their last but probably most
meaningful, retreat. Manresa Retreat
House was chosen for this special event
since It is a place familiar to the seniors.
The main topics of the retreat were values
and ideals, family, friendship with God
and others, and obstacles to Friendship.
There, to accompany the students In this
Important event were Lily'Fernandez.
Marta Carreho. Angie Clocca. and Allison
Smith. The Seniors were broken up Into
four groups with one alumnae heading
each of the groups.
Later, the class regrouped and each
alumnae led In a discussion on one of the
topics of the retreat.