Page 132 - Carrollton 1993
P. 132
•Due to the fact that the sophomores had a
very busy schedule and less time than usual to
prepare for Field Day 1992, it was a major
challenge. Sure enough the sophomores
pulled it off with a twist.
The introductory skit for Field Day started off
. emphasizing', ironically, the pressure for time
and the different mishaps the class had in
preparing For Field Day, The skit illustrated how
the class couldn't get along because they just
\ didn't have any, harmony. Half the
Sophomores were sporting their plaid skirts
and Bermuda shorts to symbolize their high
hopes, while the other half wore drab, dark
Colors to show their disinterest with the theme.
The theme was "'The Sound of Music with a
-Twist"-and IT was reinstated at the end of the
day when the Blue and the Gold teams were
sent on a Scavenger Hunt in order to find one
half of a note that when joined together with
the other half would form harmony. The day
- Wgs still fun, filled despite the initial
"disharmony". ■
The Sophomores planned and supervised a
variety of games such as: Falling Struddel,
Feed Grettel, Around Vienna in 80 Days and
Drive to Freedom, The school was divided into
[g & W s o p h o m o re etas. the Field Day the eternal friends-rivals: the Blue vs the Gold.
The Sophomores also treated the entire high
[ school to a "Subway Sandwich" lunch.
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After a very heated contest, the winning team
turned out to be the Blue team when they
.wonthe Volleyball game. Everyone enjoyed
; the day which didn't.;1ack "Harmony" after all.
1 -Natalie Wasmer and Cristina Navarro
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