Page 41 - Carrollton 1993
P. 41
Intoduction to
Formal Education
Carrollton's Primary Section, consisting they have read and to summarcj
of grades one, tw o and three, intro meaning. Students are also str
duces the students to a more struc encouraged to read indepen
tured form of learning. The girls are fur and develop a love for books,
ther encourages to grow intellectually
and spiritually and to develop a pas The Science program covers a I
sion for learning. range o f topics including ani|
plants, w e a th e r, m a tte r am
In the Religion classes, the girls are hum an body. Girls are taugtj
taught how the teachings of Jesus can im portance of the environmer
apply to their own lives. They are intro the need for its conservation,
duced to the study of the sacraments entific Method is also taught in oil
w h ich co ntin ue s in to th e se co n d provide a method for problem s!
grade. Here, the girls are prepared to
receive the sacraments of Recondli- C om m unity is the emphasis .!
Primary _ c and the Apostle's Creed. The Social Studies courses also i
atin and Holy Communion. In the third
Social Studies program . Difij
aspects of both immediate anc
grade, girls study the Gospels, prayer
communities are discussed alon
how the students fit in as indiv
Writing, speaking and listening skills are
developed through the English pro
geography, history, and citize
Girls are also ta ught to take ]
gram. The girls are taught to write clear
and interesting sentences and para
pride in their country.
graphs which are later applied to writ
ing their own creative stories. The stu
dents are also introduced to cursive
through the Art and Music c l
writing. Students explore their creative
Physical Education provides e l
and a knowledge of health. T|
The Math program aims at expanding dents are also trained in languc
the students' problem-solving skills. The through d ifferen t levels of S ||
girls are introduced to a new concepts classes.
and theories involving fractions, time,
money, and eventually multiplication. Students a t th e Primary le
The concepts are reinforced through taught in an atmosphere of int<
work in the computer lab. between the teachers and sti
The students develop discipline]
Students develop their basic reading as responsibility, yet they are pi
skills through the Reading program . respect and freedom.
They learn to identify major topics and
concepts. Along with comprehension, Monica T] ipr
students also learn to interpret w hat
Margarita Bay Carmen Benitez
1st grade 3rd, grade
40)) Academics