Page 43 - Carrollton 1993
P. 43

Opening the Gates to


                                                            and New Horizons

                                                The  Intermediate  school  consists  of   “hands-on"  approach  to  learr
                                                the  fourth,  fifth  and  sixth  grades.   They participate in labs, go on,
                                                Here, the  students  further  develop   trips  and  watch  films  concer
                                                their  academ ic  knowledge  and    Life Science, Earth Science, Phy
                                                skills.                             Science and the human body.
                                                The Religion Program focuses main­  In  the  fourth  and  fifth  grades
                                                ly on the study of the Bible through   focus of the Social Studies clas
                                                which  the  fourth  grade  reflects  on   on  the  history  and  culture o
                                                the  idea  of forgiveness  and  salva­  United States. In the sixth grad
                                                tion. The following year the students   students take  on the  challen
                                                explore  the  way the  Seven  Sacra­  developing global awareness.
                                                ments  apply  to  their  own  life  by
                                                analyzing the New Testament. In the   The  students  learn  to  expressle
                                                sixth  grade  the  Old  Testament  is   creativity through Art and  Mus
                                                given further emphasis.             their Art classes they  develop||
                                                                                    im agination  and  perceptic
                                                The  Language  Arts section  consists   working  on  different types on
                                                of reading, english and spelling. This  jects.  The  Music  classes  oflr
                                                program helps the students express   chance to express creative inj j
                                                their  thoughts  in  a  creative  and   es  by  singing  and  playing  i
                                                concise  manner  through  speech    ments.
                                                and writing. As a result, the students
                                                learn to take more  responsibility for   To complete their academic
                                                their own learning.                 the fourth, fifth and sixth gradll
                                                                                    offered  Physical  Educatioril
                                                The  teachers  of the  Mathematics   Spanish classes.
                                                Program encourage the students to
                                                work with whole numbers, decimals,   In  all  of these  classes, studerjl
                                                fractions,  integers  and  percents.   encouraged  to  use their  imc [
                                                Students use computer programs to   tion  and  creativity in  order td l
                                                make the learning process more fun   emotionally  and  spiritually
                                                and exciting.                       fulfill the five Sacred Heart goll
                                                                                                      Monica To«
                                                The Science Program has a different
                                                twist  to  it  as  the  students  get  a

                                                          Beatriz M. Bustlllo                Loretta B, Capwell
                                                         Spanish  1-6 Grade                Computers 1-6 Grade

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