Page 111 - Carrollton 2007
P. 111

Service Clubs

                          A  bracci                                          Barnyard A rt
                                                                  President: Sofia del Rivero; Vice President: Sara Arazoza

                       Best  Buddies                                          China Cares
        President.  Lauren  Monzon;  Vice President: Gabriella Pohudka  President: Daniela de la Fe; Vice President: Isabella Lauria

                   Haiti  Awareness                                         Heart  of Service
           President:  Briana Saati;  Vice  President:  Alison Tague  President:  Lolita Sosa,  Vice President:  Isabel Llanes

                  Huy for  the  World                                             Interact
         President.  Ivette Stanziola;  Vice  President:  Bianca  Pittaluga  President:  Pamela V illa ; Vice President: Dorothy-Anne Hector
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