Page 200 - Carrollton 2007
P. 200
Below Senior A S Fario ami Junior Fatrida. Saras toko a hreak
from a buy yarn to smile lor the camera.
Left: The Junior High Volleyball gathers in to hear their
ne\l play.
by Lili Valentine '< ><j
Volleyball is definitely one of the itkwI I nil sports ui ( imollfon Uvt-T’V wlhtyMI huvx is
filled with ijond limes, learnlmi e^peiiemes, and new friendships* icitmmates not only Lon
new skills and learn from eat It olhei, but tnosj of nil, ilitnj Ihh<‘mu* <ipmI fMptulv 1Itc hhu'w-s
set great examples, emphasize teamwork and promote good sportsmanship.