Page 205 - Carrollton 2007
P. 205
S o f t b a l l
Left: The varsityjoftball team gathers for a final picture with Coaches Jennifer Savino
and Alex Consuegra. The girb were thrilled that Coach Consuegra's daughter could
join in the picture.
Ri/f/it: The team n luxes with M r, Pardo, proud parent of senior A li Pardo.
Left: Claire Cuddihg and Christina Osorio wait in the shade for instructions from
the infield.
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Right. The team lines up for a j v j i t a l f f l
Below Elizabeth Valentine fries to mulct ii to homebase before being called out.
By: L ili Valentine and Nirolefte Gasson '09
This softball season was very successful in more ways than one
not only did we perform well as a team on the field, but we grev
together as a team off the field. This 2007 season was so specia
because it was marked by both physical and intangible changes
Skills were improved upon while old fiiendships were strengthened
new talents were discovered while relationships were built. It i|
pretty impressive to say that a team's entire infield received Dade-
County recognition, but is even more impressive to say that thosi
girls, along with the rest of the team, genuinely loved each otheI
and became good friends.