Page 206 - Carrollton 2007
P. 206
track &
¥_k\ y Captain Carolina Sitterson '08
r “^ l 1 '\he T rack team worked very hard
JL -S I this season and accomplished much
JL. including competing at districts and
qualifying for regional’s in the following areas: shot
put (Catherine Walkington ’09), discus (Victoria
Enjamio 10), triple jump (Jennifer Wilde ’2011),
and long jump (Andrea U car '09). This was a
memorable season for everyone including athletes
and parents.
Counter clockwise from topjassenia
Rodriguez, Maria Teresa Tupini, Andrea
U car, and senior Jennifer Safetrom take a
break in the shade before preparing for the
upcoming events, fiea Sagardug, Michelle
W estman, and Andrea Ucar pose for a
picture before heading home after a long
dag on the field Bea Sagardug, the first leg,
positioning her starting block and waiting for
the gun shot to start off the 4x100m relag
at Districts. Gabriella Gonzalez and Blanca
Begert show their pearlg whites during a
water break. Carolina Sitterson takes offfor
the 100m. Michelle Westman runs to the
finish after a hard relag.