Page 208 - Carrollton 2007
P. 208

Left: Tasneem Campos gets pimped before a game.
                                                                          by T asneem Campos '08

                                     Below: Carolina Gorordo enthusiastically worms up before   The Carrollton water polo team has always
                                     a big game against Ransom.           been a little out of the ordinary as far as sports  teams
                                                                          go.  Being one of the smallest teams at Carrollton,
                                                                          we are always going against much larger  teams  than
                                                                          ours.  We've been known for sending mass e-mails
                                                                          to the school with pictures of beautiful male water
                                                                          polo players  to  try and allure people to play.  It can
                                                                          be frustrating because we have the potential, we just
                                                                          don't have the numbers but we do hope to recruit
                                                                          more players next season. On the other hand, a big
                                                                          plus of being a small team is we are very close and
                                                                          have so much fun together.  A s captain, I'm proud of
                                                                          the team.

                                                                          Above: Nathalie Fernandez powerfully protects the goal.

                                                                          Left: The 2006-2007 Varsity waterpolo team members:
                                                                          first row: Bianco Fittaluga, Carolina Gorordo, Lisa
                                                                          Donna, Camila D i Persia, Middle Row: Chelsea Wood,
                                                                          T asneem  Campos,  Adriana Diaz.  Last: Zahra Barnes,
                                                                          Katie Mas, Nathalie Fernandez and Coach  Adrian
                                                                          Eagles. Not pictured: Elizabeth DeZulueta.

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