Page 202 - Carrollton 2007
P. 202
Below: Sophomore Sofia Pittaluga
lakes her free throw.
by Catherine W diking ton '09
Carrollton's Varsity Basketball team has
had many accomplishments this 2006-
07 season. Under the guidance of a very
dedicated coach, Coach LaDon Echols, the
Cyclones developed skills on and off the
court. Highlights of the season
the first win against Palmer
wins against Mast Academy,
in Districts. A s seen
T upini, "This season was exciting and we
really bonded well as a team."
Th is iMear's amazing Junior High
basketball team consisted of The 2007 slam dunk Varsity Basketball Team is
I Sophia Adrian, Alexandra Alvarez,
comprised of Danielle Calderon, Claire Cuddihy, Ariele
I Stephanie Arendbia, I lyssa Block,
Gallardo, Nicollette Gasson, Alina Gomez, Natalia
f Ashley Craythorne, 'jfrnena Garcia,
Juncadella, Sofia Pittaluga, Carolina Sitterson, Terry
I Anna H oskinson, Victoria Jimenez,
Tupini, Andrea Ucar, Catherine Walkington, and
■ Alexandra Klumpp, Shadia Martin,
Katherine Wolfsthal. Also pictured are the IV team
j| Molly Naell, Andrea Quinones, members Alexandra Klumpp, Shadia Martin, and Victoria
1 Jassenia Rodriguez, Adriana Santos,
Jimenez. The varsity manager was Bianca Pittaluga. Coach
1 Em ily W ilde, M anager Kelsey
LaDon Echols not pictured.
1 Craythorne, assistant coach Eduardo
I Suarez and coach Javier Figueroa.