Page 215 - Carrollton 2007
P. 215
by; Llunm Pidnuw \i
The Fairchild 2 00 7 Challenge for Middle Schools Awards Ceremony was held on Saturday, M ay 12, 2007. Carrollton
received Honorable Mentions in six different options which include: The Power o f Plants Presentation, Baynanza T -S h irt Design
which was created by Susana Sancleniente, M y Sustainable M iami Research Power, Green Treasure: Traditional Uses o f Plants,
Environmental Action, School Garden/H abitat Restoration and T he Fairchild Challenge Newsletter. Out of 52 middle schools
participating this year, Carrollton exceeded the b o o point goal and was awarded $ 5 0 0 .0 0 as part of the top five schools.
Out of 25,000 students participating at both the middle and high school levels, our seventh grade student Lauren Palmero was
named an E R M IE (Environmental Role Model) and Outstanding Student o f the Year. Congratulations to all the participants and
esvecialhi to the teachers who made this all possible.