Page 217 - Carrollton 2007
P. 217

Students from  the class of 2007 share their views on  the Five Goals.

                Schools of the Sacred Heart educate to:

                                       Goal I - A personal and active faith in God
                   Carrollton  has always encouraged a personal and active faith in God. Setting aside time to grow
                 spiritually in prayer time, religion class and retreats allowed for the development of our hearts apart
                                    from the development of our minds.  -  Laura Alfonso

                                     Goal II - A deep respect for intellectual values
                 A   Carrollton education encourages questioning and analysis, and  the cultivation of fine minds. It is
                through  learning that each of us strives  to realize her potential. A t  the heart of a Carrollton education
                 is  the idea  that learning ultimately helps each person better understand herself and her relationship
                                            with others.  -   Sarah  Marie Selem

                                   Goal IE - A social awareness which impels to action
                M y favorite Sacred  Heart Goal is Goal III  because it recognizes  that one small action can lead to  big
                 results. Carrollton  taught me  that community service doesn't only affect the community;  it has a big
                effect on  the people who witness  this service,  receive awareness, and are then impelled to serve as well. I
                love Goal III,  because it reminds me  that  I  don’t have  to change the world in a week. I  can start small,
                    and the little awareness I  create will be driven  to spread in a big way."  -  M arissa M ignone

                               Goal IV - The building of community as a Christian value
                 Christian values allow us  to remain firmly planted in faith, family, and  learning. Through sharing,
                 giving, cooperation and prayer we are able  to strengthen not only our own character,  but  the entire
               Carrollton community.  The Sacred Heart Goals instill in each of us a sense of community even beyond
                 our school -   a  global perspective that we are all part of something greater with  these common ideals
                                  forming an  indelible bond between  us.  -   Jennifer Safstrom

                               Goal V - Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom
                At  Carrollton  I  have been exposed  to a wealth  of knowledge which  has instilled in me the freedom  to
                think independently.  I  am aware of the ideas of others, and I am encouraged  to critically analyze  these
               thoughts and formulate my own way of thinking. This freedom  has given me the confidence to put forth
                           my ideas and  the courage  to work for what  I  believe in.  -   Karina Granda

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