Page 68 - Carrollton 2007
P. 68

aka. Sea Camp.  There, students learned about coastal eadogy and hushed
                                                       up on wfiot they had studied in class.  Students also went on a boat trip to a
                                                       coral reef where they went snorkehng in search of different marine Xtfe. They
                                                       even got to go swimming with bonnet head sharks. For hands on activities,
                                                       they dissected squid and algae. On the final night, students enjoyed a bay
                                                       side campfire where they heard a Ehr. Seuss story, sang silly songs, roasted
                                                       marshmallows. and gazed at millions of stars. The 7 th grade doss had a great
                                                       time and many said they would Uke to go back.
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