Page 70 - Carrollton 2007
P. 70
Junior High students participate in the annual
Coastal Clean-up. Back row: M rs. Cadena,
Nicole Lopez-Alvar, Madeline Alvarez.
Michelle Roheio, Marianna Pita, M rs.
Rodriguez, Anna Hoskinson, Deanna Palenzvtela,
M rs. Zalac, Jimena Gracia. Cristina Garcia-
Montes, Elena “Mamie" Pesant, Kiera Russell,
Dolores Sanchez.
Manuela Ruiz, and Jessica Ross. Middle row:
Allison Palacios.Victoria Sahater. Sophia Adrian,
Janelle Rodriguez-Mena, Victoria Jimenez, Tessa
Danguillecourt and Mollg NuelL Front row:
Amanda Echeverria. Shadia Martin. Magela
Hernandez and Ana "Dani" Siberio.
Below: Adriana Santos works on an art project
with students from Centro Mater.
Left: Elena “Mamie” Pesant and Anna Above: Nicole Lopez-Alvar works on an
Hoskinson help make our beaches more art project with one 0/ the seniors the Junior
beautiful by picking up trash together. High class visited on service dag.
by Daniela Cosio '12
A t Carrollton we are tautjkt that it is not enough just to
listen to Jesus' word, but that we must also take action. It is
not enough to be good but we must also do well. This is what
Goal III is all about. What better way to use our various gifts
and talents than by participating in the community through
the Coastal Cleanup, visiting nursing homes and helping
underprivileged children with a day of Fun and Friendship.
Here at Carrollton we understand that doing good works is
just as important for the community as it is for each one of us