Page 286 - Carrollton 2006
P. 286
The Gvafo and Criteria
Sacred Heart Education...
Graduating seniors from the class of 2006 share with us their favorite Sacred Heart Goals.
Goal I: Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to a personal and active faith in God.
Goal I is very important to me in my life and has helped me to overcome many challenges. As I leave
Carrollton, this source of faith and the resulting strength will continue to guide me. - Silvia de Goytisolo
Goal II: Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to a deep respect for intellectual values.
Although a Sacred Heart education is about much more than what one learns in the classroom, its intrinsic
purpose is to engender intellectual values. That is what all schools set out to do. In my experience, a Sacred Heart
education has been one that emphasizes all Five Goals, but especially the Second. Carrollton has pushed each of us to
succeed academically and to strive to fulfill our potential. More than just teaching us the facts, Carrollton has inspired
us to question, analyze, and learn. - Alexandra Villasante
Goal III: Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to a social awareness which impels to action.
Goal III which states, “a social awareness that impels to action,” is my favorite Sacred Heart Goal because
through this Goal we can make a change in the world. I love to serve and know that in being socially aware we not
only learn a great deal about others, but we learn how to be better people ourselves. I feel Goal III exemplifies how we,
as graduates of Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart, should live our lives. - Stephanie Maspons
Goal IV: Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to the building of community as a Christian value.
The diversity of the Carrollton student body, as well as the faculty, encourages an atmosphere of tolerance,
and cultivates open minds. Students are educated not only in the Christian tradition, but in the vast expanse of other
world religions and cultures. Early on, we are made aware that we belong to a privileged minority given the great
opportunity of education and, as such, it is our responsibility to help those less fortunate. In response to this, students
are motivated to reach out to the greater world community. Community is sacrosanct at Carrollton and as a member
of the greater Sacred Heart Network of Schools, we are responsible to uphold the ideals of an established tradition
which promotes the building of community as a means to change the world. - Victoria Lauredo
Goal V: Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to personal growth in an atmosphere of wise free
Goal V particularly relates to graduating seniors as Carrollton has prepared us to enter the world with
wisdom and the ability to think freely and independently. We are called to live each day in faith, with courage and
innovation and to use these gifts responsibly so that many can benefit. - Alex Block
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