Page 11 - Carrollton 2016
P. 11

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                     By: Grace Haygl'and ‘19,  Nina Vazquez '18, Madison Forrest '22 and Lia Roliheiser ‘22
                      'As a teacher, t try to educate the whole child, not just academically, but spiritually ■because the spiritual life of my

                     students is important to me ”
                     Ms. Beatriz Busttllo, who radiates Sacred Heart values through her words and actions, has devoted126 years to
                     Carrollton as a Spanish teacher In appreciation forthe guiding light that she has shared with generations of
                     Carrollton students, we dedicate the 2015-16 edition of Yggdrasill, Illuminate, to her.

                      Senora Bustillo is a kindhearted educator who helped me learn the importance of Sacred Heart spirituality,' said
                     Carolina Perez, '19.

                     A graduate from Convent of the Sacred Heart in New York City, Ms. Bustillo has a deep respect for instilling Sacred
                     Heart values and is known for her warm and charismatic methods of teaching
                     "Senora Bustillo isa passronate educator with a great love of the Spanish language,"said Mana Cristina: Garcia, ‘00

                     Besides teaching Spanish, Ms. Bustillo actively participates in the Barnyard partnership and attends Sacred Heart
                     alumnae events, throughout the year
                     "My life doesn't function without an active faith in God, which I try to instill in my students with a simple prayer at the
                     start of each class."

                                                        Jesusito de mi vida
                                                       Tu eres niho como yo
                                                       Por eSo te quiero tanto
                                                        Yte doy mi Corazon
                                                      Tdmalo, tuyo es - m b no.
                                                       Las horas que pasan,
                                                        Las horas que son,
                                                    Son de alegria y no de llorar.
                                                     Sagrado Corazon de Jesus,
                                                           En Ti confio.
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