Page 9 - Carrollton 2016
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          Head Master Kalkus' first year at Carrollton
          By Gahnela Bajandas ’ 18 and Christine Fung *19

          The CSrrelTtgn community was pleased: to1welcome1Oten Kalkus as Carrollton's
          new headmaster At the Massof the Holy Spirit, the fost community Mass
          of the .school year, Mr Kalkus addressed the High School and Junior- High
          Communities, 1 wish that alt of us here open ourselves to. the power of the Holy
          Spirit and feel the pleasure of God as we work alongside Him and one another
          this, year as we all grow in faith-, intellect, hope, compassion and courage as we
          do good at Carrollton, -our homes,, the greater Miami community and perhaps
          eveti the world.”
          Since assuming his position in August, Head- Master Kalkus has been visibly
          involved in activities school-wide. At the top of the academic year,, Vr  Kalkus
          made a big splash at Carrollton's first pep rally for the Dig Pi rik event. He
          is present at many athletic events arid arts programs. He has also been an   K R i  !£!•«!!
          inspirational, speaker at our community masses. Samantha Melchor '16

          commented, "! expect g reat things from Mr. Kalkus. I see1him being1a large
          presence in the school and being very involved with the community, which I
          think is a very important"
          Although this is Mr. Kalkus' first year, he has made great impressions on the
          faculty and Staff, as well as the students  Ms. Ana rie Armas, service coordinator
          at the High School, said Mr. Kalkus "gives us autonomy to Implement new ideas
          and innovative methods of praxis. Tihist in my opinion, has empowered us to be
          more creative and think outside the box."

          Interview with Mr  Kalkus

          By Daniella Mora " 6  - June o. 2016

          DM: What was,the highlight of your first year at Carrollton?

          OK: .It's hard to pick one highlight, b u t! would say my favorite times are when I get to interact with students  I, love visiting classes  I love reading
          to the Primary students, and I'd love to do more next year, t also like when, the teachers engage me in the class  I enjoyed when i was invited to

          TOK classes to give a. presentation. I loved1seeing the athletic competitions, the musical, the choirs, the strings ,1love coming to the Duchesne

          Campus and the little ones,, especially the Montessori girls, call out, "Mr. KalkuS!" And all of a sudden this mass surrounds me and I feel
          unconditional love.
          DM: How think Carrollton lives the Goals and Criteria of:Sacred Heart Education!

          OK: it think every Goal1s being lived, at Carrollton. It's evident in the ways that students celebrate their relationship; with God. whether during

          retreats or liturgies, and in the classroom. A deep respect for intellectual values is clearly evident in the classrooms, as well. One pf my hopes
          is to teach a class herein ithefrUtufe.The commitment to social justice is very strong as. exemplified by the many service opportunities and
          projects  Carrollton exemplifies the building of community during events like Conge, pep rallies, toast Wishes, Father-Daughter and Mother-
          Daughter activities, and the talent show, to  name a few.
          DM:  Dp you have a favorite Goal7

          OK:  Actually, my favorite Goaf is Goal V. It's my favorite because it's what really challenges us to personal growth, and reminds us that we are
          always in the process of becoming. While prizes are.awarded based on gifts, talents andi academic achievement, they are really (he result of
          work and, effort and a process of becoming.

          DM; In just a few words, please tell us how you think Carrollton embodies the word, “illuminate" smce it is the theme of the yearbook this year

          OK: While some schools say mat trey are creating the best in the world, Carrollton produces the best for the world1.Because I think that  for the
          world” can encompass everybody and everyone's gifts and if you light those gifts up you help ,illuminate the whole1world and not just CarrdUtori

          DM1 As Head Master of Carrollton, what do, you see in the future for Carrollton7
          OK: There are so many, but I'm hoping; to build on :that Goal V piece with more breadth and depth so that hopefully students
          will have more opportunities to individuate themselves. Programs should he sustainable. M w  overused word, but I think that if it s uhdeistoc
          well and practiced, we can continue to build on our strengths while continuingito adapt so we continue to have a significant and sustainable
                            Carrollton School of the Sacred. Heart, 3747 Main Highway, Miami, Florida 33133  - Copyright 016
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