Page 194 - Carrollton 2016
P. 194

H d h  School students perform the hrt B foadW y show Chicago by Fied Ebb and Bob Fosse  Theater Arts teache
   M rs  Zena R o c-gu e / directs the show incorporati ng the talent's of the High Scnoo1Dance Team, under the

   direction of Mrs  Gordana TeoavSc  Many studentsm  the show are enrolled in  IB Theater and Dance courses
   Dr Walter Busse provides the musical direction tor the show
   The roles of Roxie Hart Velma Kelly. Billy Flynn. M aty Sunshine, and, Am os Hart, are played by Sabrina Tamames,
   Mikaels Secada  Daniel® Poulat, Katharine puerr. and Samantha Melchior; respectively. The role o f Mama M ortoi
   is, olayed by Jasmine HamisGrriith and; Sofia Dom inguez
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