Page 134 - Carrollton 1999
P. 134

Upper Left: The seniors and mod­
                                                                         erator pose for their formal pose
                                                                         for their “Grad-Night” photo. These
                                                                         include: Olga Del Valle, Jennifer
                                                                         Miranda, Olga Mari Saizarbitoria,
                                                                         Sissi Bango, Kristia Moises, Sarah
                                                                         Leonardi, Kim Perrins, Ms. Car­
                                                                         mona, and Netty Soto. Below:
                                                                         Seniors, Selvis Morales, Jenny
                                                                         Busto, and JsSbel Norta. Bottom
                                                                         Left: Seniors, Sarah Leonardi,
                                                                         Melissa Lopez, Jenny Lucio, and
                                                                         Casey Lundsford.
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