Page 165 - Carrollton 1999
P. 165
'r e a m i n g , o f a
Formal accen- but this year it was even
^Ir^e^^the holidays. On more special, there was a
pv.v^cember 18, 1998, Car- magical feeling in the air.
^|ji|||h^-^tu*istm as vaca- As Junior Lalin Garcia-
: - <; tic^be^an with a night Pedroso was walking out
fun, and o f the dance she
.'dan^ce tp kick off the hoi- exclaimed, “This was the
Hji^al^season. The Christ- best Christmas Formal I
•mla ^ formal committee have to ever been to.”
extremely hard And Senior Olga Del
!toi?ptil;;together the sue- Valle said, “It’s a shame
-;cesS|uT* dance. The for- this is my last, I’m going
Ai^.aT is a tradition that to miss getting to party
iH . fhas been a part of Car- with all my friends.”
i -f T - mmmm
v*rolltp.n for many years,
Top Right: Junior Michelle Riston and boyfriend celebrate die evening.
Middle Right: Alina Pastoriza, Kimberly
Perrins. Jennifer Miranda, Sara
Leonardi, and Olga Mari Saizarbitoria
celebrate their last Christmas Formal
as seniors. Above: Freshman Sofia
Soler and her date pause from their
dancing during the Christmas Formal.