Page 164 - Carrollton 1999
P. 164

Christmas  at  Carrollton  is  filled
                                                                         witli  singing,  dancing,  tty  drives,
                                                                         and many other special events. This
                                                                         year, the Junior class put together
                                                                         the  famous  Feast  Wishes  with
                                                                         much slyle and taste. Feast Wishes
                                                                         is a special event, held every .year in
                                                                         the High School, in which the stu­
                                                                         dents are given a chance to thank
                                                                         all the faculty members for all their
                                                                         hard work and dedication. The Pri­
                                                                         mary  and  Intermediate  Schools
                                                                         cheered the school with their won­
                                                                         derful Christmas carols. The Junior
                                                                         High participated in the hanging of
                                                                         the  evergreens,  in which  the  stu­
                                                                         dents  sing Christmas  songs while
                                                                         decorating thefChristmas tree. All of
                                                                         these  events  which  help  to  build
                                                                         cheerful memories have become  a
                                                                         tradition at Carrollton.
                                                                                      Top Left: Junior High
                                                                                      students collected sixty
                                                                                      stuffed animals for the
                                                                                      Catholic Community
                                                                                      Services Child Welfare.
                                                                                      Top Right: Eighth
                                                                                      graders. Jennifer Bran-
                                                                                      chini. Kathleen Clock,
                                                                                      Michelle Branchini.
                                                                                      Danielle Morello. Keri-
                                                                                      Ann Lachman and Lind­
                                                                                      say Talley group togeth­
                                                                                      er to distribute their
                                                                                      Secret Santa Christmas
                                                                                      gifts. Top Middle: Mrs.
                                                                                      Verdeja's dance class
                                                                                      performs a scene from
                                                                                      The Nutcracker during
                                                                                      Feast Wishes. Bottom
                                                                                      Left: Some of the High
                                                                                      School faculty alias “The
                                                                                      Cracked Nuts", bring
                                                                                      Feast Wishes into a
                                                                                      spectacular finale.

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