Page 167 - Carrollton 1999
P. 167

Top  right:  Seniors  surprise  the  Car­
            rollton community during the prayer
            service.  Top  left:  First graders  excit­
            ingly look through their gift bags for
            the treats the seniors gave out includ­
            ing bubbles, pencils, and erasers.

                                                 Above: Seniors come together for one final moment  at the end of Congd
                                                 To the left: Cuban spirit as portrayed by the Senior class during the opens
                                                 ing skit.  Below: We  know that Conge is a day of fun and relaxation bui
                                                 these Carrollton students put a new meaning to the terms fun and relax

               Conge  is  a very special  day    classroom was a different des­
            at  Carrollton.  It  is  a  time     tination,  and  decorated  in  a
            where the whole school unites        manner which resembled  that
            under  a  common  theme,  and        particular country.
            everyone  is  able  to  relax from      In  each  room  games  were
            everyday  stress  and  pressure      played  that  represented  the
            through games  and  activities.      activities  that  occur  in  the
              This  years  Conge,  a  day        country. There was Grigami in
            made  possible  by the  seniors,     Asia,  and  dominoes  in  Cuba,
            was  an  experience  like  never     to name  a few.
            before. The chosen theme was            “This year  I  have  had  more
            “Around  the  World”.  The  PAC      fun   at    Conge    then     ever
            was  designed  to  look  like  an    before,’’  said  senior  Sylvia
            airplane and the hallways like       Donna,  “the  senior  class  had
            a   terminal.     The     seniors    to  work  very  hard  and  go
            thought  of  everything,  from       through  many  stressful  days,
            boarding  pass  nametags,  to        but in the end it was all worth
            passports  that  were  stamped       it  because  it  came  out  amaz­
            at  each  country  visited.  Each    ing.”
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