Page 49 - Carrollton 1972
P. 49
" I uprooted it from the past, and took
From it the m em ories o f one thousand Autumns
and I
Planted the tree o f m y soul in another
P la ce, It was now in a fie ld afar from
T h e path o f tim e; and I tended it in a day
And in night, saying w ithin m e, "W akefulness
w ill bring us closer to the stars.”
Cathy H . Reid
September 23, 1954
V ice- President o f School 12, D
A .R .C . Treasurer 12, Com m u
nity Club 12, A ca d em ic C om
m ittee 12, Migrants 9, 10, 11,
12, D .A .R .C . 11, 12, Class
Secretary II.
■* jd