Page 50 - Carrollton 1972
P. 50
" I am a liberated soul.
standing atop a crystal mountain
tinted with illusory dreams.
M y freedom is written on my back
in golden ink.
So as I walk the paths I find, I stand out
a liberated soul.
I stand on the edge o f m y crystal mountain
with L ife spinning about m e.
I h ave no fear o f fa llin g, for I w ill only be caught
in the whirlwind
and becom e a part of it ."
Lourdes Rodriguez
M arch 1, 1971
Transferred from Lourdes
A ca d em y - Septem ber 1971.
Literary Club 12, S ocia l C om
m ittee 12, S ervice C om m ittee
12, Centro M ater 12, Yearbook
Bus. M anager 12, D .A .R .C . 12