Page 54 - Carrollton 1972
P. 54

"W h en   the  w hite  ea gle  o f the  North  is  flyin g  overhead,
                                               And  the  browns,  reds,  and  golds  o f autumn  lies  in
                                                  the  gutter,  dead.
                                                Rem em ber  then,  the  summer  birds  with  wings  o f
                                                  flam in g  fire .
                                                C om e  to  witness  Spring's  new  hope,  born  o f  leaves
                                               d eca y in g .

                                               As  new  life   w ill  com e  from   death,
                                               Love  w ill  com e  at  leisure.
                                               Love  o f lo v e ,  love  o f  life ,
                                               And  g ivin g   without  measure,
                                               Gives  in return,  the  wondrous  yearn
                                               A  prom ise,  alm ost  seen

                                               L iv e   hand-in-hand,
                                               And  together  w e 'll  stand,
                                               On  the  threshold  o f a d rea m ."

       S h elley  Lynn  V ereen
       February  1,  1954

    ansferred  from
   I h ley  H a ll,  Charleston,
    C ..  Septem ber  1970.

    udent  G ov.  11,  12,  Christian
    vlng  C om m .  12,  M igrants  11,
      D .A .R .C .  12,  C hairm en  o f
   Buse  and  Garden  C om m ittee
     Tu torin g  at  F la ga m i  11.

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