Page 143 - Carrollton 2010
P. 143
Vvise Choices
"Students get the opportunity to discipline we learned to deal realistically with our strengths
themselves because they are aware that they have and weaknesses.
wise freedom." (Junior High teacher)
Primary students enjoy an environment where
Our Montessori students are nurtured and they feel safe and respected in order to express
given leadership roles in a safe environment themselves, make mistakes and learn from one
at a very early age. [Activities in our Primary another.
School such as the Migrant Project, and the
Advent Prayer Service provide opportunities Students in the Intermediate School state the
to foster the personal growth of the younger importance of balance and are aware that "as we
students.] Our Intermediate School elects class get older the responsibilities will be greater, and
reps and homeroom representatives. Our Junior we will have to learn to handle them." They also
High recycling program facilitates leadership as recognize that at the Intermediate School they
students learn to become stewards of the Earth are taught to be "wise, educated, responsible and
and our High School elects congress members. active."
Encompassing many age groups, Carrollton's
Student Ambassador program also provides our There is a reciprocal respect between our adults
students with excellent opportunities to both and students. "Teachers commit to teaching us
serve and lead. (Nonacademic staff) and we commit to learning." This foundation
breeds a trust enjoyed by Junior High students:
Carrollton alumnae recognize the beauty of "We are trusted to do what we are supposed to
being educated in an atmosphere of wise do."
freedom in that it teaches the lessons of balance,
failure and wise management of time. Teachers High School students also believe that a
and administrators encouraged us to explore Carrollton educator's teaching style develops
our personal strengths while at the same time self-knowledge and self-confidence in students as
acknowledging our personal weaknesses. "teachers teach us not only about school things
We were given the freedom to fail and the — they teach us how to be good people, how to
encouragement to learn from our failures. We grow, how to think independently. They want us
learned that true validation comes from within. to develop our critical-thinking skills and be able
We learned that in order to successfully manage to educate ourselves. Most important is our need
our lives we must be able to successfully manage to ensure that we are not only good students,
our time. We learned that we could not do and but individuals who are engaged actively in other
have everything we desired. It was unanimously interests ... to stay healthy, to balance our lives, to
echoed that our Carrollton education helped us achieve our potential as human beings."
to grow in self-knowledge and self-confidence as
SHCOG Self Study 2009