Page 14 - Raynes Park Vale v VCD Athletic TEST
P. 14

final of the Kent Senior Trophy for the   second consecutive season. Head coach
      second time. Having suffered a loss in   Dean Frost took over as caretaker man-
      the first final on penalties, there was a   ager, and under his guidance the club
      reversal of fortune this time when, after   obtained runners up spot in the league,
      having drawn 1-1 with Tunbridge Wells   narrowly missing out to Whitstable
      at the end of extra time, the VCD play-  Town, and then the following season
      ers held their nerve to win the penalty   Paul Foley was appointed manager of
      shoot-out 3-1.                        the first team, with Dean Frost reverting
        During 2005 the long awaited news the  to his former position of head coach.
      club wanted to hear finally arrived when  Under their stewardship the club fin-
      planning permission for floodlights   ished runners up once more. A year lat-
      and the development of the Oakwood    er, the club finally won the Kent League
      ground was granted by Bexley Council.   Premier Division title together with the
      This, together with a substantial grant   Kent Senior Trophy, culminating in the
      from the Football Stadia Improvement   long awaited promotion to the Ryman
      Fund, part of the Football Foundation,   Football League.
      enabled work to commence early in     Once again third place was attained
      2006. The pitch was levelled, rotated   The first season was a success with
      90 degrees and re-laid. New perimeter   an 8th place finish, but the club were
      paths were laid, along with perimeter   left stunned when the Ryman League
      fencing to enclose the pitch. Floodlights  deemed ground issues warranted demo-
      were erected in June 2006, at the same   tion, and despite an appeal to the Foot-
      time that work on enhancing the chang-  ball Association, the decision was up-
      ing rooms also began. The spectator   held and the club went back to the Kent
      stand was re-sited and extended, and   League. Manager Paul Foley resigned
      further additions included a new raised   to join Chatham Town, taking virtually
      hospitality area situated to overlook the   the whole team with him, and the club
      pitch, and a new tea bar adjacent to the   appointed former reserve team manager
      popular members bar.                  Ricky Bennett his replacement. Under
        Last 16 of the prestigious FA Vase  his leadership VCD achieved third place
      At the end of the 2007 season Martin   in his first season, and the season after
      Ford resigned as manager, and the club   the team was also challenging for hon-
      are grateful for his vision and enthusi-  ours and, but for a disappointing end to
      asm over the years that took VCD from   the campaign we certainly would have
      being a Kent County League side to    given Herne Bay a closer run to their ti-
      one that was always around the top of   tle. Once again third place was attained
      the table in the Kent League, and on his   but this time we had the added bonus of
      departure the club had just reached the   winning the Kent League Cup, beating
      last 16 of the prestigious FA Vase for the  Corinthian 2-0 in the final. We also
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