Page 18 - Raynes Park Vale v VCD Athletic TEST
P. 18


      Josh Gallagher

      For this, our first edition of 'Into
      The Vale' of the 21/22 season we
      wanted to give a big welcome to
      our new manager Josh Gallagher.
      Josh comes to RPV from Dork-
      ing Wanderers with a fine play-
      ing and technical background.

      We had planned to send in our tough-
      est contributor to grill the new boss
      in the kind of on-screen, in-your-face
      interview that has Premier League
      managers throwing their branded
      water bottles at reporters or stomp-
      ing off in tears to renegotiate another
      six-million severance deal. Josh Gal-
      lagher, it turns out, is not that kind
      of man. Although we couldn't get a  Dan and Conor Gallagher (my other
      face-to-face interview due to the (Ar-  brothers) Absolute Dream Team!
      rgghhh!!!) COVID restrictions we
      decided to give him a damn hard, on- ITV: Matchday dress-style? Mancini
      line grilling for the fans. Turns out  or Southgate?
      he's a tough nut to crack!!           JG: Tough one as I’m old school and
                                            wear shorts with long socks! If I had
      Into The Vale: If you could bring any  to choose I’ll go with Southgate, I
      world  player to RPV  who  would it  liked his waistcoat.
      be? And why?
      Josh Gallagher: Any world player to  ITV: Is if true that some managers
      RPV would be my twin Jake Gallagh-    have read a book? What was your
      er. He’s currently at Maidstone and  last one?
      doing a bit of coaching with us. Any-  JG: Yeah it’s true, you can learn a lot
      one that’s played with him will know  from a book. The last one I read was
      why. He’s a natural leader and born  a book called The Managers funnily
      winner. If anyone else I would have   enough. All about different football
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