Page 19 - Raynes Park Vale v VCD Athletic TEST
P. 19
managers and their ways of doing with the youth system, clubhouse,
things. ground just making the football club
an even better place to be.
ITV: What is a trademark Josh Gal-
lagher approach to a league match? ITV: The last two seasons haven’t
JG: My trademark approach to games seen the best performances and re-
is a full on winning mentality but we sults from RPV. You will have done
want to entertain as well so we want your research on this - what do you
to be enjoyable to watch at the same identify as contributory factors to
time. With that I want the players to these results and performances?
be happy as well, that’s important for How does a manager like yourself
me. begin to turn these around?
JG: For me it’s important the people
ITV: For fans who don’t know you you bring into the club so you can
what’s the Josh Gallagher footballing add to what you already have in it. I
and winning philosophy? have no idea why the last couple of
JG: Winning philosophy for me is to years they didn’t do so well. But for
have a good dressing room and enjoy me, the people I bring into the club
every part of the game. have to fit what we want to do. My
management team are fantastic at
ITV: Ex-Spurs, Liverpool and Wim- what they do and they are great with
bledon player John Scales has joined people which really benefits us, we
RPV in a Director of Football role - create a good atmosphere within the
how do you envisage working with group. We also have a good blend of
John and how is this relationship go- players that have been here for 5/6
ing to benefit RPV? years so know what the club is about
JG: John has been great. We’ve spoken inside out, blend that with the qual-
a fair few times and he’s been really ity and characters that will improve
supportive and positive. I’ve asked the squad if it’s that winning mental-
him some questions and he’s given ity, professionalism or just all round
me some good advice which I’ve tak- quality on the pitch. If you get it right,
en on. In the early stages I want to use you could be onto something.
him for his experience and knowl-
edge for how successful teams he’s ITV: Who’s your footballing inspira-
been involved in have had that suc- tion?
cess and little details that could make JG: My football inspiration is my
a big difference to the team. As time Family. Dad and mum have always
goes on, I want to help and ask John been there for me and my three
about helping the club as a whole, continued...