Page 9 - Feel Good Chemicals Women Leaders 2020
P. 9
We can find helpful and less helpful ways to
turn these chemicals on:
Helpful Unhelpful
▪ Feeling part of the team. ▪ Joining in with criticism of someone
▪ Collaborating closely with people you else.
trust when jointly completing a task. ▪ Gossiping
▪ Participating in sports, or interest clubs. ▪ Cliques in a staff team
▪ Setting and achieving a goal. ▪ Cheating to achieve a goal
▪ Seeing through successful ▪ Competing against someone else in a
implementation of a project way that isn’t great for others
▪ Overcoming challenges and barriers ▪ Putting someone else down
▪ Leading staff and influencing positively ▪ Forcing others to do what you want
▪ Making a difference ▪ Hierarchies that make others feel
▪ Gaining promotion inadequate and less important.
▪ Being given responsibility and status ▪ Bullying others
▪ Joining a sports or dance club ▪ Substance abuse
▪ Going for a run ▪ Exercising so much it causes damage to
▪ A karaoke or comedy night out the body
▪ Risky behaviours