Page 2 - TeenAid: What's Next?
P. 2
o If they have had difficult, adverse experiences (bullying, parents separation, adults not getting on, feeling
they are naughty and not liked by adults in school day after day, witnessing or experiencing violence
etc.) they will have higher levels of stress in their body. This means that more stress is harder to manage
– their brain will react in threat response more easily.
o Explain that their brain has not had the chance to build such strong Executive Function Skills which help
us to stay calm, focus, be flexible, make careful decisions, remember and process information.
o This may just be the way they were born or it may be because of experiences – or a bit of both.
o Explain that this is not an excuse – it just means they will need to practise LOTS so that
they can manage better in the future.
So the message is:
“It is not your fault but it IS important that we all work together so
you strengthen your skills and find it easier to manage.”