Page 4 - TeenAid: What's Next?
P. 4
E. Use the models below at times when things happen and these models will help. I have found
some really work for some children and make a massive difference and yet don’t work so well for
other teens.
If they seem helpless or blame others, Positive Positions above is a great model to use.
If they focus on things they cannot control (the not so great
teachers, the friends who are being prickly, you saying no to
another £20), help them to focus on what they CAN control
and influence.
Help your child understand the difference between growth
stress (stress which feels uncomfortable but helps us to
develop, learn and grow) and the kind of stress which is just
bad for everyone.
Use this model to help your child manage challenge and
difficulty better – help them to tolerate the unpleasant
feeling of growth.
Use this if your child finds it difficult to:
▪ Work through challenge
▪ Keep going when something is difficult
▪ Retreat into doing the things they find easy and stay in
their comfort zone (e.g. spending hours gaming;
watching TV, keeping with the same friends, sticking
with the same interests rather than focusing on
increasing skills and widening interests/friendships).