Page 34 - MOSP Schools INSET November 2024
P. 34
Skills that support helpful (pro-social & pro-learning) Behaviours
When things go wrong, I react in a way that is about right for the size and seriousness of the issue.
When I am upset by something, I can recognise accurately how big a deal the issue is.
When things are not as I would like, I can soothe myself quickly, look at the wider perspective and focus on
positives and possible solutions.
When things are not as I would like, I can take a wider perspective e.g. If I want pizza but there is none left, I
can soothe myself with thoughts that I can have pizza another time and there are other foods I can enjoy now.
When something is difficult or unpleasant, I can remember that experiencing a range of emotions is normal
and there will be happier moments ahead.
When I experience unpleasant feelings such as sadness, jealousy, shame or disappointment, I can remind
myself that it will not last forever and I can soothe myself.
I will do something I do not really want to do.
I can compromise a bit of what I want so that other people have some of their wishes too.
I can follow an instruction or direction given by someone else and can manage not being in charge.
I can follow someone else’s way of doing something, even if it is different to the one I felt was best.
I can think of different solutions to a problem, rather than getting fixed on one idea.
I can shift away from the original plan, idea or solution.
I can think through different options before making a decision.
When I come across a problem or difficulty, I stop and think of different ways to solve it.