Page 38 - MOSP Schools INSET November 2024
P. 38

Skills that support helpful (pro-social & pro-learning) Behaviours


                                                                                                                         RED  AMBER  GREEN  I feel peaceful,

                                                                                                                                       content, proud.

       I am attentive and aware of my emotions. I can use the Affect Mat and Emotion Wheel to help me describe them.
       I have a range of words to describe my affect, so it is precise (granulated).
       I can identify the 5C need (and specific card with this) behind my ‘affect’ accurately.
       When I have an upsetting thought or feeling, I can work through it and self-soothe in a way that is ok for others around me.
       I can manage the feelings of frustration or disappointment when things go wrong (frustration or disappointment control) in
       ways that are ok for others around me e.g. by explaining what is up rather than screaming.

       I regulate and manage my emotions when I feel anxious, worried or sad (anxiety control) – it doesn’t stop me doing things.
       I can tolerate challenging or boring tasks (task tolerance control) and surf the unpleasant feeling to finish the task.
       I can change my energy and emotions to suit a situation (e.g. excitement in the playground; calm as I walk into a library.

       I can stay calm and steady when being corrected or when given feedback which feels critical, knowing it is to help me
       improve and do well.
       My reactions and display of feelings are at a level and intensity relative to the situation.

       I stay in positive positions and challenge, negotiate or solution-find positively.
       When I get anxious, upset or frustrated, I look at the evidence and explain the different ways it could be interpreted.

       When I experience big feelings (affect), I use a strategy to become calm quickly so other people are not affected badly.
       I can ‘bounce back’ from feelings of sadness, anxiety or anger in an appropriate amount of time relative to the situation
       e.g. if I cannot have what I want for dinner, I shift my ‘affect’ to neutral within minutes, not hours.
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