Page 39 - MOSP Schools INSET November 2024
P. 39

Organisation (belongings)

     SKILL                                                                                             I DEMONSTRATED THIS SKILL

      I organise my belongings by grouping them into categories, colours or sizes.

      I have a particular place for each of my belongings, so I always know where
      something is.

      I have a routine so I can find my belongings easily e.g. I get home and

      straight away put my bag in  its special place.

      I practise using my organisational systems until they become automated
      habits. This means I do not need reminders from someone else.

      I always put things away as soon as I am finished with them. I do this

      before I do anything else, so they are in the right place the next time.
      I put things away carefully and in exactly the right place, so the area is kept
      neat and tidy.
      I put aside time each day to keep on top of routines that keep me organised

      and tidy e.g. checking through my bag or filing away papers and emails.
      I have ways to make sure I remember the materials I need for the day /
      start of a task e.g. a checklist.
      I prepare ahead of time (Prep4Best), thinking through what I will need for
      the task/day.
      I have ways to make sure I have remembered everything I need e.g. a

      picture  / bullet checklist which I tick off each time.
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