Page 15 - The Evidence Chart 2021 2022 MASTER
P. 15

Element of            Key Points from Evidence Base                   What this means for those supporting                    Key tools/resources developed                 Leading experts working in the field
      Programme                                                             young people & their families                           within our programme                          related to this
      Calm Connect          Connection supports speedier                    Consistent use of connection, even when                 ▪    Responding in the Moment Unit   A great range of authors advocate the use of
      Support               emotional regulation & supports                 young people are presenting with unhelpful              ▪    The Trust Drug  – giant syringe          ‘connection before correction’.

                            flexible thinking and problem-solving.          behaviours, will increase trust, improve                     and giant sweet props                    Some key authors include:
                            When in stress response, the pre-               relationships, support improved self-concept            ▪    Calm, Connect, Support                   Jennifer Kolari:
                            frontal cortex is deactivated to                for the child and promote more rapid                         sequence - use with children and
                            conserve energy, reducing reasoning             emotional regulation.                                        teach children to use with each          Prof Daniel Siegel:
                            skills.                                                                                                      other                          
                            Connection supports quicker                     Connection is a pre-requisite for effective             ▪    Calm Connect Support peer                Dr Tina Bryson-Payne:

                            regulation and enables energy to be             subsequent problem-solving. Without                          review chart                   
                            redirected back to the pre-frontal              connection, a young person is less likely to be         ▪    Examples of CCS in practice              Laura Markham:
                            cortex, supporting effective problem-           able to use the higher skills of flexible                                                   
                            solving.                                        thinking, negotiation, compromise and                                                                 Dr Mona Delahooke:
                            Connection releases hormones which              empathy.                                                                                    
                            speeds up regulation, increases trust,
                            improves relationships and enhances             The adult plays a vital role in supporting a

                            neuroplasticity and learning.                   child’s self-regulation skills through co-
                            Emotional co-regulation is the first            regulation.
                            step towards self-regulation
                            (Delahooke, 2019)
      Follow Up &           Collaborating with children to find             Involving children in finding solutions so they         ▪    Follow Up for Progress Unit              Dr Ross Greene

      Coaching              solutions builds vital Executive                become skilful at problem-solving & thinking            ▪    Our mantra: ‘Good for Me, Good 
      Conversations         Function skills, supports emotional             about the needs of others should be the key                  for You, Good for Everyone’              Dr Stuart Ablon
                            needs, strengthens relationships and            element of follow-up.                                   ▪    Coaching Conversations         
                            leads to more sustainable outcomes.             By doing so, we both help build children’s                   sequence                                 Dr Jane Nelsen
                            Involving young people in problem               skills and meet their emotional needs.                  ▪    Coaching Conversations peer    
                            solving helps children to feel of value,        Rescuing children or dictating solutions are                 review chart
                            listened to, capable and have a sense           less likely to be successful or sustained over          ▪    Speak Up 4 Better Model

                            of control over their lives.                    the long term.                                          ▪    Prep4Best model
                            Using collaborative coaching                                                                            ▪    Working Out Windows Model
                            techniques increases intrinsic
                            motivation for change.
      ConEDsequence  Punitive methods have a long-term                      When children fail to meet our expectations,            ▪    Key concept summarised in Dr             Numerous authors from a wide range of

                            negative impact on a child’s sense of           we should be on their side as educators – our                Nelsen’s quote: “Where on earth  disciplines advocate an approach which utilises
                            self and self-worth.                            key role focused on helping them do better.                  did we get this crazy idea that to       kind and compassionate methods, looks behind
                                                                                                                                         help a child do better, we first         behaviour to discover the ‘why’ and build skills
                            Sanctions and rewards fail to identify
                                                                            This requires a kind yet firm and certain                    have to make them feel worse?”           rather than using force & compliance e.g.
                            unmet needs and missing skills.
                                                                            approach focused on identifying unmet needs  ▪               Our mantra: ‘When children feel          Dr Jane Nelsen:
                            Rewards and sanctions promote                   and missing skills and planning with the child               better, they do better’.       
                            dependency on external motivators,              what strategies and scaffolds will help them            ▪    Checklist for effective                  Alfie Kohn:
                            reduce intrinsic motivation and are a           to manage better next time in a way which is                 ConEDsequence sessions.        
                            barrier to developing a strong moral            ‘Good for me, good for you, good for                                                                  See also in reading list: Laura Markham,
                            compass and emotional intelligence.             everyone’.                                                                                            Deborah MacNamara, Mona Delahooke, Janet
                                                                                                                                                                                  Lansbury, Lawrence J Cohen, Bruce D Perry,
                                                                                                                                                                                  Phillipa Perry, Jennifer Kolari,
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