Page 17 - The Evidence Chart 2021 2022 MASTER
P. 17

Element of            Key Points from Evidence Base                   What this means for those               Key tools/resources developed within our                          Leading experts working in the field

      Programme                                                             supporting young people &               programme                                                         related to this
                                                                            their families

      ‘Coaching 2           Building new neural pathways takes              When there are repeated                 ▪    Guidance on working with the individual: the 15              Dr Ross Greene
      Success’              focus, time and practice.                       incidents, adults should work                stage programme                                    
      Individual                                                            with the child in a more                ▪    Identifying Priorities guidance and checklist                cps
      Coaching              Helping children better understand              intensive way to identify               ▪    Strengths & Difficulties Cards                               Dr Stuart Ablon
      Programme             their difficulties and providing                triggers, difficulties and missing      ▪    Executive Function Skills Checklist                
                            opportunities to address unmet needs            skills and use regular coaching         ▪    Filling cups and building skills action Plan
                            and build missing skills will lead to           to support the child in making               templates

                            long-term progress.                             progress.                               ▪    @ My Best, Metaphor Maker and Bright Spots
                            Building skills needs intentional focus                                                 ▪    Scaling Tool
                            and practice.                                                                           ▪    Stop Start Action model


          On the next pages you will find a selection of book recommendations written by experts that have informed and influenced our approach.

        Although many of these authors have produced an extensive range of academic papers, we tend to recommend books they have published that are

        easily accessible and suitable for professionals as well as parents and carers to read and fit in within their busy lives.

        Many of the texts we have chosen for our reading list are those that summarise the key research in an easy-to-read format. If you would like to

        discuss the academic papers and texts which have informed our programme and underpin its principles, please do contact us using the details at the
          bottom of this document and we will be happy to arrange a meeting.
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