Page 20 - Unit 15 Follow Up Part B Repair Time Final for LP
P. 20

Responding in the

        Moment Answers

     5.      Forcing an apology encourages children to say things they do not

             actually mean. It does not help the child become more empathic

             (it can actually make the child feel controlled and have the opposite
             impact of them feeling greater resentment). Very often, the receiving

             person can sense that the apology is not genuine, so it does not help

             them to feel supported or cared for – if anything, they can find it more
             frustrating. It is better to acknowledge that the child does not yet have

             the skill of empathy and to plan additional support for them to gain

             this crucial skill – hold them to account rather than control.

     6.      The 3 stages of empathy are 1) Cognitive empathy (I know how you

             feel) 2) Emotional empathy (I can feel what you are feeling) and 3)
             Empathic concern (I want you to feel better).

     7.      Some people do not have empathy due to trauma and adverse

             experiences which shut off the parts of the brain responsible for this

             as a protection strategy – the feelings would otherwise be too much.
             This can sometimes be referred to as shielding.
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