Page 24 - Unit 3 Brain Control
P. 24
Strong Impulse Control
Checklist (Deliberateness / Inhibition)
I can hold the urge to touch an object or person until I have permission or know it is ok to
do so.
I can hold a feeling of desire to say or do something and have ways to manage it rather
than acting upon it immediately (e.g. I can hold the urge to buy something, make a noise,
leave my seat, move around ).
I can wait to start a task until all directions / instructions have been given.
I can stop and resist the urge to take part in exciting yet ‘risky’ behaviours.
I can wait to take a turn in a game, task or conversation. I can hold the urge to interrupt,
push in or start.
I can be deliberate about the things I say and do. I can stop and make sure they are
helpful to me and others before I go ahead.
I know the areas in which I can be impulsive. I watch out for these triggers and prepare
ahead of time so I am ready with my strategies to avoid them. 24