Page 12 - The Empowerment Approach Evidence Chart
P. 12

Element of   Key Points from Evidence Base   What this means for those supporting   Key tools/resources developed within   Leading experts working in the field

 Programme   young people & their families   our programme         related to this
 Understanding   We all have different sensory needs.    Some children experience over or under   ▪   A Child’s View of Sensory Processing   Sharon Heller
 & Reducing      responsiveness to different sensory stimuli.    Disorder    Carol Stock Kranowitz
 Some children experience sensory
 Stressors:   processing difficulties and can be   In busy families and classrooms, this can pose   ▪   Range of Sensory equipment explored
 Physical &   a significant challenge and create significant   ▪   Cups of Need: Sensory   See also the work of Stuart Shanker and
 either over or under responsive.
 Sensory Needs      stressors.    ▪   Proprioception Activities for Inside and   stressor domains.
 &Stressors   Children with sensory processing      Out
 issues need to be supported to   Knowing your sensory needs puts a person in   ▪   Strategies for Supporting Sensory   Colleen Beck

 understand their sensory needs and   control to have their needs met well. Children   Needs guidance
 find the most effective strategies and   need to understand their own needs so they
 scaffolds to ensure their needs are met   can communicate these to those around
 well and stressors are reduced.    them positively rather than deregulating.

 The Invisible   Much behaviour is unconsciously    By identifying mistaken beliefs, we can   ▪   Emotional (green) needs cards – the Big   Alfred Adler
 Drivers:   driven by key unmet emotional needs.   support children in securing their needs in   Five   Rudolf Dreikurs (see reading list)
 Emotional   When these key needs are not met   more helpful ways.    ▪   Mistaken Beliefs chart   Dr Jane Nelsen
 Needs &   sufficiently well, behaviour can be   Knowing these subconscious mistaken beliefs   ▪   Scaling Tool
 Stressors   driven by ‘mistaken beliefs’.    also enables us to respond to behaviour in a   ▪   Fill Cups Action Plan template

    way that promotes emotional well-being and   ▪   Circles of Control model
 preserves self-concept and does not reinforce  ▪   Memory Messages model

 the mistaken belief or drive unhelpful   ▪   Positive Strokes model
 behaviours further.
 Understanding   The importance of Emotional Literacy   We need to support our children in being   ▪   Exploring how emotions are formed –   Professor Lisa Feldman-Barrett

 & Reducing   Recognising (through the affect scale)   body aware and recognising bodily   taking charge of the brain
 Stressors:   and describing emotions precisely   sensations. This is the first step to managing   ▪   Emotion scenarios match game
 Emotional   (granulation) is an essential factor in   emotions successfully.   ▪   Emotions & the brain - video   Prof Daniel Siegel:
 Needs   effective emotional regulation. (Lisa   Children need to be supported in developing   ▪   The Giant Affect Scale game: ‘Warm
 Feldman-Barrett).    the language to describe feelings precisely.   fuzzies & cold pricklies’
 Body awareness and emotional   This is the second step towards emotional   ▪   Using the Affect Scale to improve
 literacy is key in supporting young   regulation (‘Name it to tame it’).   emotion vocabulary.
 people in improving emotional   The Affect Scale enables children to have a

 regulation (Daniel Siegel: ‘You’ve got   structure for starting to identify unpleasant
 to name it to tame it’).   and pleasant feelings and recognise the level
 of arousal within these emotions.
 Understanding   We have a mammalian brain   The release of these chemicals can be   ▪   Feel Good Chemicals & The Feel Good   Loretta Graziano Breuning

 & Reducing   chemistry:    achieved in ways that are unhelpful.    Dogs Model
 Stressors:   Some specific chemicals, when   If we know what feel good chemicals our   ▪   Linking Feel Good Chemicals with our
 Emotional   released from the brain, help us to feel  body and brain gain from unhelpful   Green Emotional Needs cards.
 Needs   good. They are not released constantly  behaviours (i.e. how the unhelpful benefits   ▪   Feel Good Chemical: Helpful &
 and we are therefore driven to seek   us), we are in a good position to substitute   Unhelpful charts
 more.    them for more helpful ways. Knowing the   ▪   Dopamine Dots Model
 Feel Good Chemicals puts one in the driving   ▪   Parachute of Support Model
 seat to make positive changes.    ▪   Positive Strokes Model
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